Monday, September 21, 2015

Life on board Naviga I

Oktay (the Captain) said the weather forecast was for rain at 5pm and so he wanted to head for a sheltered cove to wait out the wind etc. As we were sailing along Oktay called out that he had seen either a tuna or a dolphin, and as it turned out it was both. The dolphin seemed to be having a great time swimming alongside the boat, under the bow, around the stern and back again. It was pretty special to see it up so close.

After lunch at Kurucabuk Oktay said that he would have to drop sail and turn the motor on so we could get to where we were going to drop anchor for the night. The skies were getting gradually darker and darker and we could hear the distant rumble of thunder, then lightning and then sure enough at 4.55pm the skies opened and it poured down. The thunder and lightning was very impressive and Han and Elise were very pleased as they enjoy the spectacle of a storm.

Not as pleasing was the amount of rain that came through the roof of our cabin, and most of the other cabins, soaking both beds and the clothes I had left sitting on the bed. However, Oktay moved us to a cabin with a dry bed so that was OK. Carol wasn’t pleased at the rain as she wanted to sleep above decks again but the crew weren't sure it was a good idea. She managed to snag the only dry sleeping spot on deck - one that is usually used by one of the crew.

Sleeping above decks is rather nice, it is cooler there and not as claustrophobic so the four of us (Elise, Carol, Frank and I) slept above decks every night - except for that rainy night. The first night the duvet got a bit damp but then the crew rigged a shelter over the mattresses so we woke with dry bedding and a great view.

Watching the approaching storm
Shelter from the rain

Carol has been swimming and snorkelling but is a bit disappointed in the lack of diversity of the fish.

Oktay has been reading over my shoulder so he said I had to include that the forecast was for 35 knot winds this afternoon, with even stronger winds overnight. We headed for a small village called Selimiye where we were going ashore for dinner but due to the wind we had to move anchorage and have dinner on the boat. Not entirely a bad thing as the chef is very good.

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